June 10, 2023

New Book By Dave Sanders "George Washington's Rules Of Civility & Decent Behavior In Company & Conversation

New Book By Dave Sanders

In todays society we see a general deteriation of morals and behaviors even in public. The results have been a society that is becoming unrefined and course. In this book I went back to a time when decent behavior was not only encouraged but was expected. I have wrote this book to be an easy to read way of helping our young men and women become people of virtue and character. 

I formatted this book in such way that you can read Washingtons's original words, under that is the 21st version along with real world scenarios on where these rules would apply. Here is a quick example:

Washington's Original Rule: Read No Letters, Books, or Papers In Company

21st Century Interoperation: When having a conversation with anyone be engaged, hold eye contact and DO NOT LOOK AT YOUR PHONE!

Example: You are in a job interview and your phone goes off. You look at it and now you can almost guarantee you won't get the job because you have sent the signal that you will not take the job seriously. Instead silence your phone or better yet don't bring it in. 

This format is through all 110 of Washington's original rules. On many that were required I have researched the original meaning so that the most accurate translation can be given. There is also a companion workbook available that will walk you through how to instill these principles and practices into your children.

I have went through this book with my family and the result has been that my boys have become gentlemen that have been able to distinguish themselves from the vast majority of their peers, and my girls have come to expect better manners and practices from their prospective spouses. 

Instilling the principles and practices of this book into your children will help them become the men women of virtue and character that our country so desperately needs today.

To Order Simply Go To The PayPal button at the bottom of mormonrenegade.com, enter the appropriate price and in the notes type the option you want with your address for hardcopies or email address for the E Book Options. 



Option 1 Book: $20.00

Option 2 Workbook: $30.00

Option 3 Save 10% and Order The Set For $45.00


Option 4 Book $18.00

Option 5 Workbook $23.00

Option 6 Audio Book $20.00

Option 7 Save 18% and Order The Set for $50.00