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Well it’s a big day on the podcast its episode #100. Yep I know I didn’t think I would get this far either. I have a few special announcements on this podcast that I really need you to hear. These announcements will be made right after the into commercials on this episode. Ok moving on to this episode. Joseph Smith is obviously the man when we talk about the Restoration. He wore a lot of hats in his ministry. The one we are most familiar with is that of prophet. So, if Joseph Smith is a prophet we should expect to see some of his prophecies fulfilled. Well today I have Brian Stutzman to talk about a book he has written that explores the fulfilled prophecies of the Prophet Joseph Smith. We cover Brian’s backstory just a bit then dive right into some of Joseph’s prophecies that we have seen come to pass. Towards the end we discuss what this all means for believers in the Restored Gospel of Jesus Christ and Joseph Smith’s legacy. That and more on this episode of the MRP
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