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There are so many cool things about Mormonism. Plurality of Gods, Priesthood, Ascension to Godhood, Temple ordinances and on and on it goes. Perhaps one the most misunderstood of theses are seer stones. Many a Mormon has become a little freaked out about the topic and understandably so. I mean it’s not something that seems to be in the Christian vernacular a whole bunch. None the less we know that Joseph Smith used one as did Brigham Young so there’s certainly something to it and it deserves our attention. On this episode I have Kevin Kraut back on the podcast to talk about this very subject and I can’t think of a better for it. I mean his dad literally wrote the book on the subject. We cover the biblical history of seer stones, the use of them by Joseph Smith and other early Mormon leaders. From there we then have a conversation about how they were used and how they fit into the Restored Gospel of Jesus Christ.
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