May 13, 2023

Episode #69: Re-Baptism & Baptisms For Health: Practices Desperately Needed W/Benjamin Winfield

Episode #69: Re-Baptism & Baptisms For Health: Practices Desperately Needed W/Benjamin Winfield
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The Mormon Renegade Podcast

There are certain ordinances and principles in the Restored Gospel that were revealed by the early leaders of the LDS Church that are no longer practiced or even remembered. Some of those practices that is no longer practiced or taught in the LDS Church are the principles of Re-Baptism and Baptisms for health. Today I have Benjamin Winfield back on the podcast. You might remember Ben from a previous episode where we discussed his TikTok Channel 1889mormonism. Today Ben breaks down the history of these principles and practices, why they were abandoned by the LDS Church and how these ordinances can be one more way that we as Mormons can strengthen our connection with Our Father and Savior. Restoration Torah Conference ⁠ Annotated Version Of the Doctrine & Covenants --- Support this podcast: