Well get your passports cause the Mormon Renegade Podcast issuing international. On this episode I have a conversation with Fabien. Fabian is a Mormon Fundamentalist in the U.K. We talk about his conversion to the LDS Church,...
One of the things I love the most about the scriptures is that as our walk in our discipleship of Jesus Christ matures and changes so to do the scriptures. Certain passages will take on new personal meanings given our …
Alma 30:44 ....."yea, and all things denote there is a God; yea, even the earth , and all things that are upon the face of it, yea, and its motion , yea, and also all the planets which move in …
This Is My Talk At The Restoration Torah Conference Hosted By The Zarahemla Foundation. In This Talk I Break Down The Current State Of The Constitution, The Principles That Made America Successful For So Long, Three Steps We ...
We are now living in the times that have been foretold in the scriptures where false prophets and false christs walk among us. In these troubled times and the even darker times ahead of us the Lord has given us …
I believe that Mormonism and the LDS Church every so often has watershed moments. The moments serve as inflection points signaling the direction the LDS church will head and the speed at which they intend to make changes to s...
I have said to my family and friends on many occasions “if you want to see where the nation is heading pay attention to Utah and Texas.” These two states are the places where people who seek to subvert the …
There are certain ordinances and principles in the Restored Gospel that were revealed by the early leaders of the LDS Church that are no longer practiced or even remembered. Some of those practices that is no longer practiced...
Mormons are unique among all of Christendom for many reasons. One of those is our emphasis with making sacred covenants with God. On this episode I have Joshua Erickson back on the podcast to conclude our Jewish calendar seri...
Back in 2015 there was a letter that was published that shook many peoples testimony of the Restored Gospel. That letter was authored by a man named Jeremy Runnells and was addressed to an employee of the Church Educational S...
We know the days in which we live are filled with upheaval and challenges. Each of us will have to be our best selves in order to weather those storms. On this episode I have on Derrik Peterson. Derrik is …
Well here we are, the economy is shaky, we are in at least a proxy war Russia, China is rattling its saber threatening to invade Taiwan, Canada has begun euthanasia for depressed teens, and here at home there is a …
There are certain men whos influence looms large over Mormonism. Few are larger than that of Rulon Allred. On this episode I have on a gentleman who knew Rulon Allred personaly. He worked with him, talked with him and learned...
Well Last week I released an episode on Passover. This week I sit down and have a conversation with Justin Francom on the Savior’s atonement. In this conversation Justin and I recount and dive into the last week of the …
Look anybody who is anybody in Mormon Fundamentalist Circles knows who Drew Briney is. He is perhaps the most prolific Mormon Fundamentalist author we have. With his book Adam-God Teachings certainly being one of the premier ...
On this episode I have Joshua Erickson back to continue our series on the Jewish calendar and feast days. Again I encourage everyone who has not done so to go back and listen to the first five episodes of this …
One of the things we as fundamentalists and even traditional LDS folks fight against is stereotypes. Some of the worst stereotypes are reserved for women who are fundamentalists or are traditional LDS. You hear the same accus...
About a month ago the LDS church announced that they had made sweeping changes to the Temple ordinances, specific the endowment. With that in mind I thought now would be a good time to have a conversation about the Temple. …
So let me paint you a picture. I left early Friday morning to head to where our Churches Temple is. I get very little cell coverage. I visited with friends, attended the Temple, attended Church on Sunday and left for …
If you remember a few weeks back I had an epic conversation with Kimberley Watson Smith where she laid out the scriptures and proved that Celestial Plural Marriage is a divine principle. On this episode of the podcast I have …
Today I have Joshua Erickson back on the podcast to continue our series on the Jewish Calendar and Holidays. Now if you remember Joshua and I have had a few talks up to this point. If you haven’t listened to …
On part 2 of my conversation with Julie we go deep into the roots of communism. We talk about the ideology, the practice, and failed promises of communism. We then take a deeper dive into the infiltration of communism in …
We are living in a world today that feels wrong. From our jobs, to our schools, and for some folks even their churches. It’s as if we have slipped into some kind of dystopian future where things have gone off …
One thing that I am constantly amazed by is that every time “the science” proclaims a matter “settled” it won’t be too much longer after that that new evidence comes out to disprove the current narrative. Global Warming gets ...